Monday, January 28, 2013

All-in on TVIX

We have been discussing playing the volatility trade for the last couple weeks. We have accumulated a large position in this bet over the last week. Our cost is 4.87. One thing that can happen is that the volatility and the market can go up at the same time. It is the end of January and all the mutual funds may be burned out of buying. We are expect a sharp increase in volatility. Our technical systems are indicating a very high probability of a pattern change.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bought TVIX at 4.86

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013 Trading Tip 1: Increase Trading Results!

Tip: You can increase your success and profits by not trading  all the time. You have to ask yourself if you are addicted to the action or are you are really seeing that many opportunities. Like in Poker, you don't have to play every hand. Great traders and poker players know when to bet, fold'em, hold'em, or walk away. Learn to track trades and wait for the right timing. You will increase your odds and increase your profits!

- Stockspeare 1:22:13

Trade Results YTD

1.  FB (FaceBook) bought at 25/ sold at 31.75
2. MGM bought at 9.25/ Sold at 13

The Comming Volatility Trade!

Money is moving into volatility trades, Over 3 billion dollars flowed into volatility funds by the end of 2012. The Volatility Index is hitting almost a 6 year low, and the contracts may worth much more that the prices indicate due to heavy selling... when these things move, they move fast. We will be buying some tomorrow and double up shortly with full in by Dow 14,000. Check emails for securities slection and trade points.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Yeah...after trading for 20 straight years, he got bored with the markets and wanted to check out other interests. He went into the automobile industry selling new Nissan vehicles and loves it. The "Call of the Markets" brought him back as part-time participant. Now he can make money selling vehicles and trading it in the markets. Two passions!

Btw....New car sales are booming! Hmmmmm.....trades?

Stockspeare and his HAL3000 computer are back!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME 2013!......After an 8- month sabbatical, Stockspeare and The Magic Trading Computer are back! They started off before the new year  picking up Facebook (FB) at $25, MGM at $9, and Apple at $505. A great way to start 2013!

Trading the "Fiscal Cliff Bluff" was a breeze. We shut off the media and just turned on HAL. He set the prices and we set the buy-limit orders. They were all hit. We are going to let him pick the stocks for awhile because we are running almost entirely on technical analysis and the news is boring right We are re-connecting with our trading community. Stay tuned.............