Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Still Holding All Positions

Flat market. We are still fully invested holding our positions. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Boring is the word on the street. We are fading and melting. Our positions are not moving and the market is drifting. Remind me not to take so many positions next time-I might as well own a mutual fund. Not much to report....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Friday, March 26, 2010

A New Era for Trading

We have entered a new era. High-frequency trading, rebate-trading, alog predatory trading, and program trading have changed the rules. I recently read an article by Sal Arnuk and Joseph Saluzzi- two relative unknowns my computer found through our Internet recon programs-which describe a potential threat to our trading strategies. There is no real proof of their claims;however, we have been discussing how strange the markets have been acting for a long time now. I can send you the article upon request. A quick glance of job openings at hedge funds and institutions indicate a huge demand for these types of traders and professionals who can design these programs. Basically, in the new era-volume and volatility can be manipulated for rebates and not actually indicative of a trend. This changes technical analysis and trading strategies.The popularity of TA now makes it very easy to send false signals using these programs. We will continue to work on new programs to make money in these ever changing environments; however, the regulators are playing a dangerous game of favoritism that may threaten the very spirit of free markets and capitalism. WallStreetRamblings will continue to find new (maybe old) and innovative ways to take advantage of the markets for profit.

Closing Bell

All positions still holding. Looking good. We should see some decent moves next week. Have a good weekend!

Market Update

Feels a little toppy in here. Our positions have backed-off a bit; however, they appear to be within the allowed brackets-we will continue to hold. Check emails for details.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The $10,000 Portfolio

We added 4000 dolars to an old friend yesterday. We now have 3 positions. Check your emails. We are now fully invested.

Riding the Wave

With our purchases yesterday, our portfolio is now up to 4 separate positions! This is the most trades we have had on at one time. All of them appear to be breaking out. We went back into an old friend, added to our medical stock (The 3rd buy), and continue to hold our tech plays. We will ride these positions until they buck us. Check emails and stay tuned.....Hang 10!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Looking Goooooood!

Things are looking good! All our stocks are breaking out and we will be looking to add to more positions. Stay tuned.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The $10,000 Portfolio

We decided to add a new portfolio for the smaller players. We call this "The 10K Master Blaster" a reference to the MAD MAX movie Beyond Thunder Dome. We began today by putting $3700 in XXX3 and $2260 into PPP for an initial $5960 investment. We still have $4040 left for opportunities. Stay tuned.

Still looking good! Bought more PPP

Our medical stock "PPP" is really looking good. We decided to buy more of it even though it is 8% higher then when we first bought it last week. I have a feeling this could really run. I think it could be a 4-bagger (to use an old Peter Lynch term). Stay tuned and check your emails.

Friday, March 19, 2010

That's a Wrap! Buy XXX3!

It has been a decent week. I couldn't resist buying another stock in our tech basket. We just took an initial position. Check your emails. We will call it XXX3 because we are staying in the same sector as XXX2. Our new trading system is working fairly well and will continue to use it. Have a great weekend-I'm going golfing! see ya next week....FORE!!!!!!

PPP Update

Our medical sector stock continues to break out. It is 5% higher from our purchase earlier this week. We will let it run-the volume is picking up. i would like to see a confirmed 10% move.

XXX2 Sold

For a quick 7% one week gain. We will continue to play this stock ; however, it is the top of the trading range and we will wait for a pull back. We will be playing this stock often from now on . Check emails.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Buy Overload! Buy Overload!

The WallStreetRamblings computer program is brimming with buys across the board! I have to put together a list. My tech guy-"Recon"-has brought to my attention a whole group of stocks related to the Cisco Internet news. I ran them through our system and they all look to break out or are breaking out. We will be monitoring a whole group looking for big movers. Right now they are on the verge and we like to play with confirmations- not too early. Check your emails for the list. One of our tech plays "XXX2" is already running- Looks to be exciting times!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trade updates

We continue to hold XXX2. We will sell Citigroup today for a 14% gain and hold it for the longer term accounts. There are too many players and it is moving too slow for us. I have found another trade. It is a medical device manufacturer and we will buy today on the breakout. We will call it "PPP".

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Super Basket Update

All 3 stocks in the basket have been breaking out. We added to two of them today and are following a trading method I have been researching the last couple weeks. It was developed in the 1950's. It looks very promising. Stay tuned.

Trades Update

We added a new position today. It is a confirmed breakout and looks to run. We will call it "XXX2". It is a very popular company and well positioned given the current environment. Our C position has been doing Well. Please check emails for current strategy and capital placements.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a day makes!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anatomy of a Trade

Dissection. A trade has a time constraint; otherwise it would be an investment. SIRI is a fair investment but not a good trade. Traders need free capital and thrive on momentum-investors ignore short-term noise and place positions for the long haul. The problem with the SIRI trade was using longer term assesments for shorter term price movements. Not a good idea. SIRI will probally work out; however, a trader needs to be liquid and mobile. A slash and cut player does not work well for long pulls. That was the initial problem. We like to play in the most competive environments. We took a loss....which we probally didn't have to, in order to free up capital for the slash and burn style. It's called a "Re-Set". Now we are in C. Stay skills added.

The Super Basket

The Super Basket is a group of select stocks that we we put together based upon great technical breakout potential. They are very close to confirmed breakouts. Check your email for the list.

XXX Trade Update

Wow! I figured it was breaking out but holy cow! XXX is C or Citigroup. We took an initial position on Friday at 3.50-the initial breakout and we added some today with the SIRI money at 3.54. I wish we had bought much more. Was a little shy after the SIRI debacle. Lets see where C takes us. Stay tuned.

Trade Update: XXX

We bought more XXX with some of the SIRI proceeds. We got a good price and the technicals look great. Check emails.

SIRI Stopped Out

It hit our .89 stop-loss and knocked us out. Took a 12% loss. Should have bailed at the .98. Bad risk management. It should have been an easy fold. I Let greed cloud proper judgement. Stay tuned for re-deployment of capital.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Trade: "XXX"

Check emails. Just entered another trade. We will call it "XXX" for now. Took an initial position and we will be looking to add as we progress forward. SIRI still has not been taken out. If it hits our stop-loss, we will transfer some funds to the "XXX". Stay tuned.......

SIRI Strategy Update

Although my fundamental work has SIRI valued higher, we are going to put in a stop-loss order and move on. If the stock hits our lower sell price it will automatically be sold. This strategy is called "let the market take you out". We are going to focus on other trades. Check you emails on where to set your stop-loss price. There is no reason to watch every trade at this point. Enjoy the day-it's Friday! Either we are out or in by the end of the day. I just don't have the heart to sell it here because I think it is worth a lot more. The Market will make our decsion. Talk soon....I'm going out for awhile.

Much Ado About Nothing!

Well...we were waiting for an encore performance and SIRI hasn't showed up yet today. I think most for the audience has gotten bored and left the building. Timing was everything and we got in 1 day too early and now we are stuck cleaning up after the party and footing the bill. The price may drop today as a lot of participants check out of the trade. Looks like I'm "A prisoner of my own idea" and will continue to hold for now and try to trade around it (I am going to stick around-maybe I can cash in the empty bottles for some small change). Looks like my readers were right on this so far. Sending new strategy out. Check your emails. Maybe we will get a surprise by the end of the day. A low down dirty shame!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Extra! Extra! New Information on SIRI!

I got the word on the street from some legal types.-basically the Delisting issue is a none event for now! A quick run-down is March 16 is notice of non-compliance blah blah 7days to file appeal blah blah 30-45 days blah blah blah another 35 days blah blah 180 days conditional listing blah blah blah an additional 180 days blah other words...a big relief! Makes decision a little easier...stay tuned!

P.S. A special thanks to my internet information guru KIDRIO (a.k.a. RE-CON) for assisting us with our programs for internet research scanning tools. A big help!

ICE BOWL update: 3rd. Down and goal.

Looks like the majority of my readers went with the Field Goal. A full 80% said to take the break-even and get out. I can't say I blame them. The stock hit .99 today and our loss would have been somewhat minimal and we could have moved to the next hand. Well- I re-worked all my systems, added a few new ones (which didn't help), re-crunched the numbers, and it came down to instinct...and I'm still holding. I'll explain my thoughts when this thing is over. Unfortunately tomorrow are the unemployment numbers and the 10-day delisiting number comes down to a Friday close-not my favorite conditions. My rules said to fold and move on-my instinct says its going higher....don't like these types of plays. It is better to have them both working together. My options are running out and time is not on my side.... stay tuned...tomorrow will be a huge decision day.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ice Bowl Update: SIRI

Well-still holding. Did not sell again today and it closed at .96-the trade is getting really difficult now. There is a good chance we could get to our break-even tomorrow. Do we take it and go into over-time or do we run and go for the "touchdown" and "the win"? Do we risk losing?. Vince Lombardi (and Bartt Starr) made the decision to run the ball in The Ice Bowl. It turned out to be the right decision and Green Bay won the game. He was a legend-we are not. This position is significant to us because if we "lose" it can severely impact our YTD performance- that we have worked so hard to attain. A "win" would add a huge bonus to our record and give us a lot of added "powder" to try new plays and go for the gold. A "draw" would preserve our record and let us move on and play another day unscathed. The easy play is to take the draw (if presented). It is the conventionally smartest play. We have a lot to think about the next 48 hours. What would you do? Pass or Run? Vote online...Stay tuned......

Decsion Day

Wow going to be a tough decision today-SIRI is near .97 and our loss would be much smaller if we take it right now. Going to be an extremely difficult call here. Stay tuned and keep your emails on alert-we may have to bail at any moment....stay tuned and wait for the update.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Still in The Game

It was a tough decision today whether to bail or to hold. The SIRI got up to .95 and we could have cut our loss in half. We held. There are great concerns that mutual funds and other institutions will drop their support for the stock if it gets delisted- this is not to mention all the "weak hands" will perpetuate the selling. I am confident that even the paper boy is playing this thing. The pros have a firm grip on this thing right now and it can be dangerous. Traded 300 million shares plus today and ended flat. Still a dangerous game....the next 48 hours are crucial.

The Hardest Trade of The Year

Right now we are fighting for our lives in the trading pits. I got caught buying SIRI at the 1.01 level and it is now in the process of a bear raid. The company has to trade above a buck for 10 consecutive days before March 15th or face possible delisting by The NASDAQ. Unfortunately, we bought a fairly large amount of shares and are now delegated to making the hard decision of bailing out for a rather large loss or standing strong. There is a lot going on....The Howard Stern contract, valuation, delisting timing, and of course manipulation. Truly a tough hand to play. The volume is huge and I prefer not to play in these situations; however, I got caught. There are a lot of players and billions of dollars at stake here-the number of players is quite substantial. Stay tuned....It is snowing hard in Georgia and this is "The Ice Bowl" - we are going to have to make a very tough decision very soon....Vince Lombardi: Help us now.