Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ice Bowl Update: SIRI

Well-still holding. Did not sell again today and it closed at .96-the trade is getting really difficult now. There is a good chance we could get to our break-even tomorrow. Do we take it and go into over-time or do we run and go for the "touchdown" and "the win"? Do we risk losing?. Vince Lombardi (and Bartt Starr) made the decision to run the ball in The Ice Bowl. It turned out to be the right decision and Green Bay won the game. He was a legend-we are not. This position is significant to us because if we "lose" it can severely impact our YTD performance- that we have worked so hard to attain. A "win" would add a huge bonus to our record and give us a lot of added "powder" to try new plays and go for the gold. A "draw" would preserve our record and let us move on and play another day unscathed. The easy play is to take the draw (if presented). It is the conventionally smartest play. We have a lot to think about the next 48 hours. What would you do? Pass or Run? Vote online...Stay tuned......