Looks like Buffett has been asked to help out again. He got another great deal from Bank of America. The funny thing is that B of A insisted the last few days that it didn't need any capital- good one! Now they give the away the shop to Buffett. Sounds desperate to me. No wonder all the analysts came out yesterday defending the bank. Like we said before- it's a "those with info" and "those without info" market right now. I would bet dollars to donuts th0se analysts new about the announcement today ahead of time. The rules don't apply to Buffett though. It must be nice to speak with the president before you make any investments. The reliance on Buffett's seal of approval is getting old. It is not surprising that so many retail investors are dropping out of the game. They tell me "it's rigged". I have to admit it-sometimes it sure seems like it;)
P.S. Buffett did the same with GS at 115 before it hit 50 and GE at 20 before it hit 6.50 ;)
Still in CASH