The mania is hitting a crescendo! We had a surprise appearance by "The Sage of Omaha" who made an early morning announcement. The clown excited the crowd for a brief moment before they took that as a warning sign. WSR could have traded it. We thought about a quick trade in GOLD and shorting the market at the open. We did not because we are waiting for The Main Event. At this point NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING., which is what we expected and is exactly what "The Dudeman" has been telling us. The level of "Knowledge Blackout" has just peaked. Big Ben is a fearsome character. He instills fear in BOTH the bulls and the bears. I don't blame them. He is "The Iceman". I like Big Ben. The guy is calm and cunning. I believe he is genuine in his attempt to do what's right. I also believe he knows that he should let the markets complete the move before he strikes. The crowd has no idea what to do and he should not listen to them. This is his "Jim Morrison Moment". He can instill the most confidence by not doing anything.
DM: What do you mean man? Not do anything?!
WSR: Yes, Dudeman. Do nothing.
DM: I don't get it, man.
WSR: You see- If he does nothing, then he is in complete control of the crowd.
DM:I don't get. Won't that cause a crazy stir?
WSR: Yes. Initially is will. The markets may sell off; however, they will eventually worship him for the brilliance of the move.
DM: What?
WSR: It demonstrates complete control and confidence. They will find strength in his move and he still has the bullet left in his chamber for the Dow 9600-10,000 moment.
DM: You sure, man?
WSR: Yes. It sure would give us extreme confidence in his ability. The financial markets need a leader that is "above the fray". This would do it.
DM: Umm. Alright're the expert trader-not me. Pass me another beer.
WSR: Sure thing-Dudeman;) Let's watch tommorrow.