It seems the MSB''s (Main Street Boys) have reached new lows. The markets were down 300 points when a major financial media outlet reported: "Bernanke says European Debt Crisis Manageable"
The problem? This was a letter from July!(Courtesy of the ATF boys). It was released as if it was current news.
I have never seen so many attempts to "calm" investors and convince them of "the great deals" as I have seen during this latest turmoil. The funny thing is- they have never really done it before when later-the market snapped back. They usually try to get you to sell your stocks. A really strange event. So what did we do?
Bought TVIX at 61. We were going to stay out; however, this seemed too strange-so we bet the market would go down again. When they are flipping a coin and "heads" mean they tell you to buy and the coin has two heads-It is time to sell.
Back to 50 cash/ 50 short.
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