Saturday, October 19, 2013

No Guts:No Glory!!!!

Another "failed-to-pull-the-trigger" event! This one hurts! Yesterday we were looking at the Google October 950 calls at $1. Our computers showed a double-bottom and earnings event scenario. We looked at it for an hour. Our computers gave it a 70% chance of success; however, it was a win or lose all. We passed. Had we pulled the trigger, we would have made 60-times our money in 24 hours!!! That is right...60-times our money. The options would have been worth $61 in one day. I am devastated. It doesn't matter whether anyone believes us or not. We were there with our hand on the trigger and we froze. Let's put it this way...for every $1000 we bought...we would have gotten at least $60,000 today. This is not the first time we were there and froze. The good news is that we are there. The bad news is that we freeze. Note to self: Gamble a little!! We will be there many more times, the question is: Will we continue to freeze-up? Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhh!!! Too devastated to continue this post right now......more later.