Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tapped Out?

Call us crazy or call us good- next week will tell. We did so well last week that we cashed out and went leveraged long on increased volatility at the close Friday ( Our gut feeling). Throwing some wild bets with tight stops that the U.S. stock market is in the final phases of a short-term market top. The valuation on some companies is ridiculous ( unless you are a 30-40 year-old mutual fund manger who wasn't around-managing money-during the mid to late 90's internet bubble). We can afford to speculate here. Quite frankly, our view of the "word on the street" is S&P500 at 2000 is maxed out. We are close. The short side will offer a fantastic opportunity in our opinion. Do a little research.. If we hold, S&P500 2200 is the target. Right now, traders own the market and investors have weak hands;)
