Friday, March 7, 2014

Wall Street's Current Playbook

1.The market looks great technically in the Short-term.
2.The stock market is at frothy levels with lots of un-claimed profit in it.
3 Volatility is increasing
4 Gold and Gold miner's probability of being under-owned and ready for a run to $2000 is increasing every day, thus it's out-performance so far in 2014. The early money is starting to jump on.
5.The quick rise of stocks and easy money in tech stocks is very intoxicating.
6. It is a Trader's Market and they have hair-trigger sell and buy programs. Do you?
7. There is a good chance that a lot of quick money cam be made here - catching the accelerated velocity of an aging Bull Market.

What are we doing?

Loading up on gold and gold miner's.
Holding and adding  on dips to our Lithium Producers positions.
Adding to our volatility positions.
Sharpening our hair-trigger trading scenarios and techniques.
Getting ready to cut our bearish position and run with the bulls or reap huge rewards betting on simple profit-taking and over-reaction.

We like betting on profit-taking and over-reaction;)

....and that is the current Wall Street Playbook. Did you get your copy? What are you? Last man on the deal list?! Just ask Gordon Gecko.

And THAT is " The Word on the Street" my friends - Stockspeare

"Two roads diverge in a yellow wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled,
And it has made all the difference."

- Robert Frost
