All Algo's and HFT' programs are perfectly aligned. What this means is that the odds of up or down are 50-50. It's really amazing how often this happens before big events. We were looking for a long or short trade at the end of the day. Everything is perfectly aligned for only a 50-50 bet. The buy/sell programs are "undecided". They really have gotten very good at correctly setting the odds of market uncertainty. Very difficult to beat. Oil and The Market faded and recovered on cue the last two days,
We ran multiple scans looking for a clue today. To no avail yet. The correlations on almost all asset scans are aligned perfectly. The traditional technical analysis odds favor an "up-move' ; however, it's not guaranteed this time. Heavy resistance at S&P500 at 1900. Heavy resistance at oil $32.50. Possible "double tops" across the board, coupled with " double bottom" formations. A perfect set-up for major moves either way. We are going to run some more scans and adjust the parameters. We have 50 minutes left in after market trading and we feel like gambling. Stay tuned.